Furoshiki , table covers and vases…..

i have  been experimenting with french seams lately….so  i have ended up with some squares of colorful cloth that really..and truly.. are absolutely useless….. If you are a fan of furoshiki then they could be used for wrapping up and carrying things… I have a whole drawer full of furoshiki that I barely use….. or…the size is perfect for a table cloth for a card table….. I think it looks quite nice on a table….

french seam single layer table cover....

french seam single layer table cover....

that’s a vase from my pottery making days…..can you see the beautiful blue glaze on the inside???

reverse side and view of seams....

reverse side and view of seams....

the back is so neat and purdy that it doesn’t even need a backing…..

I am not sure what this is useful for…. but it sure was fun to make….

I am planning on either hemming the edges, or sewing on some binding/bias tape…

one more angle, one more view...

one more angle, one more view...

the one above is mostly blues

and this one is mostly reds…

I am not yet sure what color to bind them with….subtle or bright…or indigo!!!

red table cover with japanese vase...

red table cover with japanese vase...

the vase was chosen by my mother-in law

to give as a present to each guest at our wedding

at Japanese weddings, the guests leave the party with food and presents. 

Living on the edge….

goddess and quilt....

goddess and quilt....

i’ve been playing around lately kind-of copying some of the “fraying” that jude does over at Spirit Cloth… (she’s in my blog roll) it’s a nice look… i am so used to turning and trimming and trying to get everything “just right” that a little fray feels like a walk on the wild side…. a little tripping of the light fandango…a rebel yell…so i took this patch work block  of japanese indigos and stuff ( i do love the indigo) and ripped up some red strips to peek out from behind and ripped a big square of linen-y stuff to back it… and now I am doing the embellishing… that’s really the best part… and funnily enough… embellishing a relatively small square compared with embellishing a queen size quilt both seem to take about the same amount of time… forever…. luckily, I am having fun and enjoying each and every stitch.goddess on her quilt...

a healing goddess

goddess 014

i danced last night under the light of the moon,

 and held this goddess high. 

i asked the moon to send down her blessing

upon a friend of mine…..

to send her love and peace and good health.

did you see the moon this week?

it was beautiful.

(I can’t seem to add any pictures right now… I will add views of the goddess later…)






sent three goddesses to three goddesses….

Hestia, Artemis & Oya

Hestia, Artemis & Oya

the rice has been planted…..

standing in knee deep mud!!!

standing in knee deep mud!!!