because i am my father’s daughter.



holds a lot of books!!!!


 utilizing some “dead space”

because, the neighbor lady redid her floors

and she knew i would want all the old floor planks

and i used a few of them

to make a shelf.

it’s full of books now.

because i not only quilt (thanks mom)

and knit (thanks agnes)

but i also do wood work (thanks dad)

and i make a mean loaf of bread, too.

(thanks to all the great cooks at Holden Village)

cardamon bread for thanksgiving.

happy thanksgiving everyone

and hey……

let’s be careful out there.


long time, no post…. Hi mom and dad!!!

i turned my mom on to face book last, last summer…. then she quit.  so she doesn’t get my photo updates and status reports….. so this photo is for my mom and dad…. and my WAcousin, too…..

honoring my bordertown texas roots….

some mexican skull stitching….

a stack of hot, freshly made flour tortillas…
and some salsa and guacamole makings….

i am going to hem up this cloth into a tea towel…

after i do a bit more embellishing….